news blog

New poem: Poetry Wales 60.3, 60th anniversary edition

I am very excited to have a feminist, sea poem in the forthcoming 60th anniversary edition of Poetry Wales. Pre-orders open now here, ready for publication in March 25. The edition includes 60 'poets to watch' in Wales.

'It's here! The cover for our 60th Anniversary issue features a collection of past covers from the last six decades - several of them chosen by editors who have served as reviewers in this very issue. We truly cannot wait to share this issue with you next month - a lot of hard work has gone into it by our Editor Zoë Brigley and contributing editors @kaja_amy_brown, @maireddog and @withaneerhys.'


poetry wales covers



Print poem: The Broken Spine, Highrise: Brutalist Poetry

The Broken Spine's beautiful 'High Rise: Brutalist Poetry' is now published, and available via Amazon

I have a very small poem inside this inventive and intriguing slim line anthology. Many thanks to Alan Parry and The Broken Spine

'High-Rise: Brutalist Poetry, edited by Alan Parry, is a groundbreaking anthology that delves into the stark, uncompromising aesthetic of Brutalism in the poetic form. Inspired by the architectural ethos of unadorned functionality and the human stories trapped within, this collection brings together some of the most striking voices in contemporary poetry. Each poem stands as a testament to survival, resilience, and the beauty found in harsh realities.

From the grit of inner-city high-rises to the fragile lives hidden behind concrete walls, High-Rise is a reflection on the physical and emotional landscapes shaped by modernist structures. These are poems of struggle and survival, capturing the grim truths of urban existence and humanity’s enduring fight against alienation.

Featuring over 30 contributors, including Wayne Russell, Paul Robert Mullen, Julie Stevens, and Lydia Unsworth, the collection spans themes of decay, defiance, and transformation. With pieces like The Heart is Murder, Trash Trucks and Fentanyl, and Cracks in the Concrete, the anthology embraces the unvarnished truth of the human condition in spaces both metaphorical and physical.'


High Rise anthology cover, and marital favours poem

The Winged Moon substack edition 'you light up the north at night'

It's been a delight to edit the latest issue of The Winged Moon substack 'Kin', 'you light up the north at night', with beautiful poems from Laurinda Lind and Roy Duncan, and incredible art from Gabrielle Tamaya

Many thanks to Roy Duncan: @between_2_cities, Laurinda Lind: @laurindalindwriter, Gabrielle Tamaya: @gabrielletamaya


''the sea edge congregates, a hundred rivers blossom, gift pools of life to darkened rock, gentle meander around ancient beds. the slow reveal, ripples of sand, evidence of undertow, of the light skim surface, its ink stain deep, affecting what it can't let lie''. Marcelle Newbold

'the optimistic promise of the coming spring is starting to show, greens pushing through mud, the light sooner and earlier each day, a walk along the shoreline less scarce. as dark world news dominates we look to nature for community and strength...'


you light up the north at night

Guest Editor for Wee Sparrow Press

I'm delighted to have been selected, alongside Bronwen R C Evans, to co-edit the The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press' 5th anthology. The team thought Bronwen and my proposals worked well together, we have a very exciting call out coming very soon!

More about The Wee Sparrow: Founded by Claire Thom in 2022, The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press is an indie publisher which creates poetry anthologies and digital zines. 100% of the proceeds from sales of our anthologies is donated to charity. A small press with big ideas which aims to showcase fantastic poets from around the world and give them a platform to get their words out there. The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press does not believe in charging submission fees and all the team are volunteers. We are a creative community trying to make wee ripples of kindness in a crazy world.

Update: all out now live ! Submissions 14 Feb - 14 March 25  link

photos of Bronwen and Marcelle announcing co-editors

The Winged Moon 'Hinterland' edition

Coming soon! Wed 22 Jan is launch day for 'Hinterland' from The Winged Moon, available from Amazon and online. Beautiful art and poetry inside, including a forest poem from me, and work from contributing editors Victoria Spires and Vikki C.

Update: a wonderful online launch evening, on 7 Feb, with readings from Lesley Curwen, JLMMorton, Martin Kennedy Yates, Julian Cason and Louise Longson to name a few. Many thanks to Jai Michelle for curating such a beautiful issue.

the forest wants poem


Eat the Storms Christmas Podcast

I'm reading a couple of seasonal poems on the fabulous Damien Donnelly's 'Christmas with Eat the Storms' podcast, alongside some poetry pals. It dropped on Sunday 22 December at 3pm, and is available on most platforms. So get your mince pies & mulled wine ready for a feast of poetry & prose! I'm at 7.54-13.18mins. 


christmas with eat the storms poster, christmas tree and photo of marcelle

Scottish Centre for Geopoetics - Festive evening

A busy year with the Scottish Centre for Geopoetics committee is drawing to a close, and we celebrated in style with a festive evening of poetry, sea shanties, singing and general merriment! It was great fun to compere, and was lovely to hear Norrie Bissell (SC Geopoetic's Director) read from his new book, and Alyson Hallett (committee Chair). Penelope Shuttle read from her collaborative work with Alyson and it was a joy to hear from so many members too.  

2025 is an anniversary year, and we have some special events planned. Coming soon!


zoom screenshot


The Winged Moon Contributing Editor

I've been working with Jai Michelle at The Winged Moon for the last month or so and am pleased to be able to say I am Contributing Editor at the magazine, alongside the dream team of Victoria Spires and the soon incoming Vikki C. I'm looking forward to working on the Spring issue together. In the meantime our 'Hinterland' issue is on its way, for publication in January 2025. In additional exciting news Saraswati Nagpal is also coming onboard to curate the weekly substack.

winged moon  'new editors announced'

Year 3 Rhiwbeina Primary National Poetry Day visit

For National Poetry Day this year I visited 90 children in Year 3 (3 groups of 30!) at Rhiwbeina Primary School. We had a wonderful time talking about being a poet and writing 'Long Thin poems' together, inspired by this prompt from Micheal Rosen. We talking about what makes something special, made 'word ponds', wrote long thin poems, edited them, and then performed some aloud. A fabulous morning.

Rhiwbeina Hub (Library) Author Talk Series

On Tuesday 8 October I took part in the Friends of Rhiwbeina Library Author talk series at Hyb Rhiwbeina Hub. I read a few poems from my forthcoming hybrid art and poem micro pamphlet 'City Companions' from Hedgehog Press, and talked about the collaboration process with the artist Karen Pierce-Gonzalez. Also my Bridport Prize shortlist poem 'Dad was a typesetter', 'Arcade Hopping' which is on display in Cardiff City Centre, 'Weeping Willow' from a Dylan Thomas anthology, 'Day trip to the mountains' from the Cambrian Mountains Society poetry competition, among others. 

We talked about the creative process, editing, being a literacy citizen, the place for poetry in the modern world, as well as how themes and preoccupations run as a thread through collections. I finished with the benefits of guest editing and reading my Best of the Net, and Pushcart Prize nominated poems from Black Bough Poetry.

There were some really interesting questions in the Q&A, which I am still pondering. It was a lovely evening, and a privilege to poetry, place and inheritance, and hopefully convert a few attendess to have another look at poetry.




Hedgehog Press LBB competition win - 'City Companions' art/poem hybrid micro pamphlet

In exciting news, Karen Pierce Gonzalez's and my hybrid micro pamphlet has won Hedgehog Press' Little Black Book competition. Publication due in Autumn this year.  Karen and I had great fun collaborating on this 4 poem and 4 collage micro pamphlet. Titled 'City Companions' the work isn't ekphratic but companion pieces, exploring 4 City districts.

We have started receiving some wonderful testimonials, and will have a launch date very soon. Thanks to Mark at Hedgehog Press, and of course Karen, who is a very accomplished poet, as well at artist, more on her work can be found here:

We were joint winners, on this final round of LLB with Carmella de Keyser. Congrats to Carmella @carmellapoetry.

More details soon!

New online poem - Gothic Keats Press

I'm really pleased have a Byron inspired poem 'This forest, a confidant' in a new online poetry collection. The poem focuses on themes within Byron’s poetry of confession, rebellion, nature and the pursuit of freedom. The last couplet references his enduring love of correspondence. Read it here.

Byron poem



From Gothic Keats Press:

Two hundred years ago today, 16 July 1824, the one and only Lord Byron was buried in Hucknall, Nottinghamshire. We are remembering him today by publishing a collection of poetry in his honour. Read these beautiful and wonderfully Byronic poems here.

Poetry weekend

Fabulous poetry weekend in Wales. 

Lake swimming and writing near Builth Wells, and the epic Black Bough Poetry Party in Neath.

I've started a new notebook, for a new project, centered around my practice as an architect, which is VERY EXCITING as well.



Out and about - readings and book launches

Its been a very busy month attending works shops and book launches for talented friends!  

Taz Rahman and Zoe Brigley from Seren held a joint night at Tiger Bay Poetry in Cardiff Bay, reading from their most recent collections and holding an interview section which I always enjoy.

Jonathan Edwards was feature poet at the 100th Murenger poetry night in Newport, hosted by the unmatchable Alan Roderick.

As part of #These3Streams Festival the lovely Mab Jones held her 'bog witch' book launch, which is a prose collection about wetlands, witchcraft and memoir, which was fantastic. Followed by a very calming writing workshop by the wonderful Clare Potter at a nearby church. 

And Jen Feroze launch of 'Tiny Bright Thorns' from Nine Pens with Mary Ford Neal guest reading,


Eat the Storms podcast - Season 8, episode 17

I was asked to contribute a reading to Damien B Donnelly's fabulous 'Eat the Storms' podcast, for the last episode of Season 8, which was an interview with Black Bough's Matthew MC Smith. Ten poets previous published by Black Bough - either in the Deep Time Series, Christmas & winter, Freedom Rapture or other issues contributed a poem.

I read 'Precious' from Deep Time, which was Pushcart nominated.  I most recently worked with Black Bough as their guest editor for the 'In flight' edition in Spring 2024. I was also a 'Silver branch' feature writer in 2022. 

This episode, and all others available here: Eat the Storms. I recommend a listen!

Author talk at Rhiwbeina Hyb (library)

Its a bit of a way off yet, but really pleased to be on Cardiff Library Service authors talk programme this year, with a poetry talk and reading in early October, at my nearest library Rhiwbeina Hyb. 

More details to follow.

In flight launch

Wonderful evening at the online launch of Black Bough's 'In flight' edition, which I guest edited.  It was lovely to host over 30 poets who read their poems from the anthology and the open as mic as well.  I shared the selection process, talked emerging themes, companion artwork, flight, and poetry in the time of global conflict.  

Thanks to Matthew MC Smith for arranging and intro-ing. 

Guest Editor 'In flight' edition for Black Bough

The Spring '24 edition 'In flight' from Black Bough is now ready for print. It has been a pleasure picking the poems and guest editing this edition, the call out was via #toptweettuesday, and Black Bough online open mic events, mid last year.

The title of the anthology came from the cover artist Emma Connolly and the series the cover image was chosen from.

'Guest edited by Welsh writer Marcelle Newbold, featuring illustrations by Emma Connolly and poems by Gillian Clarke, Mark Antony Owen, Sarah Connor and Saraswati Nagpal, and a whole host of stellar talents, Black Bough Poetry's imagist poetry edition 'In flight' features stunningly nuanced, vivid poems.'

'In flight' will be released on Sunday 14th April via Amazon. 

Cambrian Mountains Poetry Competition anthology - editor

On Saturday 2 March the inaugural Cambrian Mountains Society poetry competition prize giving took place at Pontrhydfendigaid. I read my poem 'Day trip to the mountains', which was highly commended. 

Over the past couple of months I have been working on editing a competition anthology for the Society, which includes background to the prize, judges comments and of course the winning, highly commended and longlist poems. Cover illustration by the talented Lowri Bowden. The anthology is pocket size and available to purchase from

It was a lovely afternoon, and wonderful to hear poems in English and Welsh, and lively discussion about poetry in Wales. 


Cardiff Writers' Circle - Poetry competition adjudication

Cardiff Writers' Circle have asked me to adjudicate and host their 2024 Poetry Competition. Following a 'hint and tips' session for poetry competitions that I ran for members, closing date for entries is 12 February, with an in person prize giving 11 March. 

I'm excited to read the entries, and looking forward to a fun evening in March. This prize is possible due to the support of Literature Wales.

Nightingale & Sparrow - Managing Editor

It’s been a real delight to be part of the Nightingale & Sparrow team for the last couple of years. As of the end of 2023 I will be stepped down from the managing editor role. It has been a privilege to read the poetry submissions, as well as manage the team, correspond with submitees, and oversee production. Wishing the best of luck to Juliette and the team, when they come back after their hiatus.

Poem in Propel, Issue 7, edited by Pascal Petit

Issue Seven of the online Propel magazine, conceived by Anthony Anaxagorou is out now. Link here. Each issue is guest edited, my poem 'radiator bleed key' was selected by Pascal Petit for Issue Seven. I have been a long term fan of Pascal's work, and am very grateful to be one of 20 poems within this issue. Pascals introduction is here, extract below:

'The trawl through the thousands of poems from almost four hundred entries took weeks. I read slowly, hoping not to miss a stunner, alert to new ways of making a poem. If there was any doubt in my mind I stopped and read it again as open-mindedly and attentively as I could.... I had to go by instinct – when I reread, if a poem gave me a pleasurable feeling of recognition, I sensed that here was something special. I’d switch into learning mode. What new world is this writer creating? Why does the imagery and tone feel like a good friend? Even if that friend is having a hard time, I wanted their company.

My twenty selections are an eclectic bunch and I admire them all. There are three long poems interspersed by one-pagers and shorts. Very short poems are hard to write well – I admit I was on the lookout for these, and was amply rewarded.'

Writing weekend at St Davids

Wonderful writing weekend away at St Davids, West Wales. Swam in the sea everyday, despite the drizzle, and walked the coastal path from St Non’s Well. 

Workshops facilitated by the generous Claire Syder, fantastic company too.


Black Bough Poetry Edition Guest Editor

I'm very excited that I will be the guest editor for Black Bough Poetry's next edition, there was a one day submission window, on Tuesday 4th July. Entry was by tweeting one brand new imagistic poem, 20 lines max. to @toptweettuesday and @marcellenewbold on Twitter. Poems are unpublished but could be a previous @TopTweetTuesday  poem. 

The edition will include an invited guest poet, and also poems from Black Bough's open mic attendees, launch date early Spring 2024.  

The talented Emma Connolly, a Cardiff based artist, will be providing the cover art, and the title of the edition, which I can't wait to share.

Voices on the Bridge Poetry night

A joyous evening last night at Clwb Y Bont in Pontypridd - a mixture of poetry and music, and a few local ciders - including an impromptu collaboration between Ben on guitar, and Pete on his harmonica.  

Thanks to Sion Tomos Owen, Mike Jenkins, Pete Akinwunmi, Nick McGaughey, Mary Kaye, Ben Wildsmith & Rob Cullen who also performed, and Rob who hosted 'Voices on the Bridge'. I did a 15 minutes set including a couple of new poems about everyday objects, the poem 'Returning' which was illustrated for the 'Walking Home' anthology, and of course a couple of losing Dad poems.  

Thanks to Susie for the photos.

Tiger Bay Poetry Inaugural night

A new poetry night has started in Cardiff Bay 'Tiger Bay Poetry' at the Casablanca Cafe in Mount Stuart Square, hosted by Natasha Gauthier. The inaugural night featured Taz Rahman, Wendy Allen and Gareth Writer-Davies. It was a wonderful evening and I read  a couple of poems at the open mic - including a mother / kraken reflection.

Taz and Wendy reading, poster

Matthew M.C. Smith 'The Keepers of Aeons' book launch, Swansea

A great day in Swansea for Matthew M. C. Smith's, editor at Black Bough Poetry, book launch in the local tap room. 'The Keeper of Aeons' is published by The Broken Spine.  Matt read and introduced his new collection, and the open mic included Lauren Thomas, Ivor Daniel, myself and Polly Oliver among others, as well as Matt Gilbert, whose latest collection 'Street Sailing' is published by Black Bough.

So much fun to meet online poetry friends 'in real life', and hear them read. 

I read a couple of my poems from the Ty Newydd writing retreat a couple of months ago, themed around inheritance, and mermaids! 

Matt Smith book launch

Wedding poem commission complete

I’ve just completed a commission for a poem for a wedding. A gift from the sister of the groom. What a joyous time I’ve had researching pottery and floristry (their passions) and their personalities & bond. A privilege, wonderful !

Murenger Poetry Night headliner

In a couple of weeks time, on Wednesday 14 June, starting at 7.30pm I will be headlining at the regular Murenger Poetry Night, in Newport. Hosted in a 19th Century pub, my 2x 20 minute sets will be followed by Open Mic sessions - sign ups available on the night. Its always a relaxed, friendly, poetry filled night. Thanks to Alan Roderick for the invite.

Marcelle reading poetry

Ty Newydd Spring Masterclass

Exciting news today. I have been accepted on the Spring Masterclass 2023 at Ty Newydd Writing Centre, run by Literature Wales. This year the class is hosted by Gillian Clarke and Carol Ann Duffy (2 previous poet laureates). One of twelve poets, I will be taking part in the week long residential, at the end of May. Time to stock up on new notepads!

Year 4 poetry workshop - Rhiwbeina Primary

On Tuesday 31 January I've been invited to give a poetry workshop to each of the three Year 4 classes. They have already been learning about acrostic poetry, rhyme, personification and alliteration, this year and last - so I will need to be on the ball!  

I will be introducing and exploring the haibun form with them - an interesting joining of prose and structured poetry.

Their topic this term is 'My Rhiwbeina' - so we will be writing about a favourite place, using all the senses. 

Nightingale & Sparrow, Starlight Issue

Nightingale & Sparrow, Issue XVI – starlight is now available on line, and in print via Amazon. Cover by Rachel Coyne. A note from EIC Juliette Sebock:

‘In our call for submissions, we prompted submitters with the following: “What do you see when you look up at the night sky? From astrology and lullabies to planetariums and Taylor Swift lyrics, we want to see your poems, stories, essays, and art that come face-to-face with the cosmos. Give us space; give us skies; give us starlight.’

Review: Moira J Saucer, ‘Wiregrass’ from Ethel Zine 

Moira J Saucer, ‘Wiregrass’ from Ethel Zine 

In this hand-finished, debut chapbook, from Ethel Zine, Moira J Saucer explores 19 poems, permitting an insight into a world of loss and discovery. Set over 15 years she reveals her experience through ‘a tent of opaque anguish’, while acknowledging buds of optimism. Her inclination to tend, despite the challenges, and pain, she faces, is apparent through these poignant and moving poems - ‘knitting wholeness together’. ‘Wiregrass’ the title poem, vividly shows the edge of human nature, living in the American Wastelands.‘

Pandemic Love & Other Affinities : an icefloe press anthology

Pandemic Love & Other Affinities : an icefloe press anthology is now available for preorder from Icefloe Press. I have two pieces included alongside Canadian and international contributors, 'the Anthology, edited by Moira J. Saucer, Robert Frede Kenter, Anindita Sengupta & Jakky Bankong-Obi, is an amalgam of the work chosen by our guest editors in collaboration with Moira and Robert, expressive of the nature of the evocative call & its theme: how do we conceive of ‘love’ in the midst of global pain, suffering, illness, confusion, loss; the tireless business of care in the midst of the international COVID pandemic crisis. We believe the results formulate an evocative picture of our times, a collection of depth and breadth to cherish in these complicated years and for the future.'

Delighted to be included.

Nightingale & Sparrow, Poetry Issue

Nightingale & Sparrow, Issue XIV – poetry is now available on line, and in print via Amazon. Cover by Karen Pierce Gonzalez. A note from EIC Juliette Sebock:

‘This quarterly theme is one that holds a special place in my heart. Poetry is where I got my own start in the literary world (feel free to check out Mistakes Were Made at your favourite bookseller for a trip in that Delorean). Poetry is the form I turn to when life is at its darkest and at its brightest.’

Feral: a Journal of Poetry and Art, guest editor 'Hunger' issue

I was delighted when Eli Horan, EIC of Animal Press invited me to be the inaugural guest editor for Feral: a Journal of Poetry and Art. I have known the Animal Heart Press family since I was published in their 'From the Ashes: An International Anthology of Womxn’s Poetry back in 2019'. Since then, I have seen them grow with the birth of Femme Salve Books, and of course Feral: A Journal of Poetry and Art, with interest and affection. 

The call out for Issue 13, themed around ‘hunger’, attracted a diverse, and at times intense response, from poets and artists. The selected pieces interpret the consuming desire of need unfulfilled – hunger that spans addiction, love, mental health, poverty, grief, and unwitting inheritance. These universal themes, and the want for connection, are shown apparent in the human, and natural world.

The team received hundreds of submissions; issue 13, which is now available online, contains work from 48 contributors – from the United Kingdom, Australia, Philippines, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, the United States, and elsewhere.

My thanks go to Amanda McLoed and Narmadhaa Sivaraja for their close readings. Amanda, once again, pairing the art and written contributions with fantastic insight.
In editing this beautiful issue, it has once again been a privilege to be a small part of this fierce, gracious press.

The 'Hunger ' themed issue of Feral: a Journal of Poetry and Art is now available online, print issue coming mid July.

Geopoetics Wales day out

Geopoetics Wales - Geopoetic Adventures - Snowdonia – open access. 

On Saturday 10th September 2022, 11.00 - 16.00 The Scottish Centre for Geopoetics will host a day out: Geopoetics Wales - Geopoetic Adventures, exploring the local Snowdonian lead mines, with an expert guide, starting from Betws-Y-Coed.

Marika Gates is a geologist working for the Coal Authority, she will be with us throughout the day, Marika is a project manager on the Welsh Metal Mines Programme. She has a degree in geology, a Masters in Environmental Geology and 16 years of environmental consultancy experience; the majority in contaminated land assessment. 

We are delighted to be hosting the first event in Wales, more information is available, and a free place can be reserved, via Eventbrite, or by emailing


Fly on the Wall Press. Issue 10: Under the Sea

Many thanks to Isabelle Kenyon and Fly on the Wall Press for including my watery poem in Issue 10.

'Issue Ten of the Fly on the Wall Press magazine series plunges us under the sea. Sixteen international writers and artists explore pull of the deep.  Women fall in love with the tides; whales dance for joy.  Some creatures grow sea urchin hearts, whilst others eat human hearts raw... '

Pre orders available now for August delivery:

Talking Place: a symposium

WomenTalkPlace is hosting the Talking Place: a symposium, on 2nd, 9th and 10th September, online and at the Centre for Place Writing at Manchester Metropolitan University.

I’m delighted to be participating online on Friday 2nd September 22,  at the 4-5pm session presenting my paper on urban micro-navigation. I’m excited to find out who the other 2 panel members are for the event, which is followed by a Q&A session. Ticket can be booked here.

Walking: An Anthology of Writing

My poem ‘Returning’ will appear in Walk.Listen.Create’s poetry and prose anthology published in April, available here.  The accompanying illustrations by Alban Low are so beautiful, I was quite emotional when I saw his interpretation of my poem (about my son) on the page – reverse ekphrastic!

I'm delighted to be reading at an online event hosted by the Museum of Walking, celebrating the publication, on Sunday 24th September. The Sound Walk Stories Sunday: 'Write About Walking' showcase will be hosted by poet and broadcaster, Jake Morris-Campbell.    

More details on the events page, tickets available here.


Nightingale & Sparrow – Hygge issue

Nightingale & Sparrow, Issue XIII – hygge is now available on line, and in print via Amazon. A note from EIC Juliette Sebock:

‘we aimed to embrace the gentle warmth and comfort of the Scandinavian concept, making our way through winter—and welcoming spring—with a worthy celebration through words and images.’

blurb for Karen Pierce Gonzalez’s ‘Coyote in the basket of my ribs’

I was delighted get a preview of Karen’s glorious upcoming collection, in order to write a blurb, publication date confirmation coming soon.

‘Pierce Gonzalez’s ‘Coyote in the basket of my ribs’ is an exquisite exploration of restlessness. She expertly transcribes the sadness of the untameable, displaying a deep connection with wildness. Her coyote dream poems are intertwined with a delicate, involving understanding of loss, of dependency on the just out of reach, and the melding of domesticity and other.’

Black Bough Poetry, featured writer

I am the writer of the month, and have a feature page, as part of the wonderful Black Bough Poetry, Silver Branch series. I feel honoured to be part of this selection of poets, from this generous Welsh press, run by the multitalented Matthew MC Smith.

Four new poems, and four poems previously published by Black Bough (in their Deep Time and Christmas/Winter anthologies) are included as well as a short CNF piece.  All pieces are available on soundcloud.

My work will be tweeted and posted throughout the month, on Black Bough’s socials.

shortlisted Walking Home writing competition

Walk.Listen.Create has announced their 12 piece shortlist for their ‘Walking Home’ writing competition, which I’m very pleased my poem ‘Returning’ has made.

Shortlisted pieces will be showcased during Sound Walk September 2022, on 25th Sept. at a public online event in which the shortlisted authors and poets will be invited to read their work. The judges will be asked to choose their winner and runner up in both the poetry and prose categories, for which the winners will be invited to be a walk · listen · create on-line Poet- or Writer-in-residence for 2022/3.

All very exciting! My poem can be found here.

Nightingale & Sparrow – l’appel du vide issue

Issue XII now available online and in print via Amazon. Issue note from our EIC:

l’appel du vide is an issue that’s come to life more brilliantly than I could have imagined. As always, we approached submitters with a prompt: “What is it about the darkness that calls to us? In what other ways do all things sinister beckon us, as humans?” 

From “The Chronic Void” by Kate Gough and “Worry” by Amanda Crum to Eva Lynch-Comer’s “Woolf Greets the Sea” and Ceri Morgan’s “Vest-tops and tattoos,” the pieces in this issue take the sensations of “high place phenomenon” and craft them into works of art.

Ink, Sweat & Tears publication

12 days of Christmas poem

I’m delighted that my poem ‘Robin’ will be included in the Ink, Sweat & Tears Twelve Days of Christmas feature, on 29th December 2021. There is an online launch 12th December hosted by ‘Live from the Butchery’. More details soon.

poem in Black Bough Poetry ‘Christmas & Winter edition, Volume 2’

Thankful that my ‘Wassailing Spirits’ poem has found a home in Black Bough Poetry‘s Christmas and Winter edition, Volume 2 ( Volume 1 came out Christmas 2020 including my poem ‘Field Margins’), once again beautifully illustrated by Emma Bissonnet‘s linocut prints.   I’m very happy to be sharing a page with the talented Gaynor Kane. My gorgeous copies below.

blurb for Eli Horan’s ‘The Mask’

Honoured to have the chance to read an advanced copy of Elisabeth Horan‘s  ‘The Mask’. It is a beautiful, immersive experience, available from 1 November, from Broken Spine Arts. 

Excerpt: ‘The rhythmical sense of abandon achieved within these ekphrastic responses, entwined with Frida’s native Spanish, feed a lingering connection between the artist’s and poet’s tenacious spirits.’ – Marcelle Newbold, Managing Editor Rare Swan Press, Editor Nightingale & Sparrow

From Broken Spine Arts: ‘The Mask is the second collection of ekphrastic poetry written by poet Elisabeth Horan in response to the artwork of Frida Khalo. It follows the earlier publication Self-Portrait, published by Cephalo. This dual language collection interweaves the life story of Khalo, her art, and the personal response of Horan to it. The Mask is passionate, intense, and demanding and nothing is safe.’

Nightingale & Sparrow – Growth issue

Issue XI now available online via the website or in print from Amazon. EIC Juliette Sebock’s issue note:

‘Nightingale & Sparrow Literary Magazine is proud to present their eleventh issue, growth. This volume features the poetry, creative nonfiction, fiction, and photography of dozens of amazing creators from around the world, as well as—for the first time—other forms of visual art. For this themed issue, Nightingale & Sparrow told submitters, “We aren’t only looking for notes on flora. From children growing up to emotional growth, we want to see your interpretations of this term in its many forms.” ‘

Fevers of the Mind ‘Quick 9’ Interview

Delighted to be asked for a ‘Quick 9’ interview with Fevers of the Mind. A great opportunity to mention so many generous people, and thank them for their continuing encouragement and involvement.

Q1: When did you start writing and first influences?

Marcelle: I started recording the everyday, usually on my iphone, during maternity leave with my son. It was such an overwhelming time- the extreme sleep deprivation, as well as being new to parenting. I used the page (screen) as someone to share with. Looking back at those notes now the range of emotions is astonishing – some have turned into poems, some not.

In 2018 I attended poetry evening classes run by the generous Mab Jones, she was the one that really got me ‘started’, she is so passionate and enthusiastic. That lead to a weekly group run by Claire Syder, which I still attend now and wouldn’t be without.

Q2: Who are your biggest influences today?

Marcelle: I still attend lots of workshops (online in these covid times), which I find really inspiring – learning about different approaches to writing, the different personalities. I have recently had the pleasure of reconnecting with the fabulous Elizabeth Horan and am now inseparable from the prose poem.

I live in South Wales and am surrounded by wonderful landscape and lyrical welsh poets – historic and living. These are a constant influence – to infuse the local into the universal.

Q3: Any pivotal moment when you knew you wanted to be a writer/artist?

Marcelle: Reading Tony Hoagland’s work, it is so affecting, I knew I wanted to learn to be able to connect like that. I adore the way he expresses the magicness of the everyday.

Q4: Who has helped you most with writing?

Marcelle: I regularly attend a workshopping group with Rhian EdwardsTracey RhysEmily CotterillSusie Wildsmith and Emily Blewitt, who are all fantastic writers and thoughtful readers. The wonderful Christina Thatcher has been my mentor for almost 2 years now and her steady influence and insight I greatly value.

It is a privilege to be able to read hundreds of poetry submissions in my position as poetry editor for Nightingale and Sparrow, this has really informed my own writing persuasions. In 2020 I worked on a Pandemic Poetry anthology – the submissions were astounding in their breadth and intensity, it was a honour to read for. Editing has definitely helped my ability to objectively assess my own writing.

The twitter poetry community is always generous, I particularly enjoy the inclusive home that Matthew Smith has created around his Black Bough Poetry micro-poem world.

Q5: Where did you grow up and how did that influence your writing/art? Have any travels away from home influence your work?

Marcelle: I grew up and went to school in Cardiff, capital of Wales, before moving on graduation, via London, to Portsmouth on the south coast of England. I have been very lucky always living close to the sea and hills. My parents love the sea and we would often daytrip to visit, in all its different forms, in all types of weather.
I trained as an Architect and have been lucky enough to travel to Australia & New Zealand, North America & Canada, and Western Europe. I love well laid out European urban spaces and can recall routes and places easily, which I often dream about walking through, and they end up on the page.

Q6: What do you consider the most meaningful work you’ve done creatively so far to you?

Marcelle: I enjoy writing about the everyday, highlighting the precious normal, which can easily be overlooked with our hectic lives.

Q7: Favorite activities to relax?

Marcelle: I love making dresses for my young daughter from found materials (scarves from charity shops, my dad’s old shirts), wind bathing! and reading with continuous cups of tea.

Q8: What is a favorite line/stanza from a poem/writing of yours or others?

Marcelle: From ‘Weeping willow’ my poem published in Indigo Dreams’ ‘Dear Dylan, an anthology after Dylan Thomas’:

She knew: memory as a trick, there’s only now.
So they bathe, drink, exert, worship – keep not
to themselves and believe in divine cultivation.

Q9: Any recent or forthcoming projects that you’d like to promote?

Marcelle: Not really! Watch this space, first pamphlet coming soon (hopefully)!

Appointment at Rare Swan Press

I’m delighted to be recently appointed as Editor of Rare Swan Press  and its companion Literati Magazine, a Swiss based venture run by the talented Renee Sigel. We have a number of fabulous poets and writers lined up for publication in late 2021 and 2022. The manuscripts I have read so far have been exceptional. Looking forward to diving further in! 

Update March 2022 – this appointment term has now ended, best of luck to Renee and the team, and wishing Rare Swan Press every success.

Gloucester Poetry Festival 2021 – Festival coordinator

The last couple of months have been enlightening and enjoyable compiling the Gloucester Poetry Festival, which runs online for the month of October 2021. This is my first year as festival coordinator working with Director Z.D. Dicks. The programme is now finalised and free tickets are available from  There are 13 event from publishers and individual poets, as well as open mic slots. 

Editor – Amantine Brodeur’s ‘Falling Slowly’

Amantine and I have been working on her gathered poems collection for a couple of months, and I’m delighted to hear her publisher Book Hub Publishing are in the final stages of production. Print copies are officially ‘coming soon’. Working as Amantine’s editor has been such a joyful experience – learning about her drivers, expansive life experiences, and many hours of poetic discussions. I really can’t wait to get my hands on a physical copy!

promotion to Managing Editor Nightingale & Sparrow Literary Press

It’s been a busy month, and I’m delighted to say that Juliette (N&S EIC) has asked if I would be willing to take on the role of Managing Editor for the Press, which I was delighted to accept.

I’ve been poetry editor for N&S since Jan 2020 and have seen the Press grow to now 15 volunteers covering editorial, social media and production. Our quarterly magazine – which publishes poetry, cnf, fiction, photography as well as visual art is available as a free online version, via or in print from Amazon.

The team is entirely remote so we utilise airtable, clickup, trello, wiki, and google drive to keep us organised! We have staff members in USA, India, the UK and Europe.

Nightingale & Sparrow – Harmony issue

Issue X ‘Harmony’ from Nightingale & Sparrow is now available online from the website, or in print from Amazon. EIC issue note:


‘For this submissions period, we asked writers and photographers to “surprise us with your own unique harmonies. Share the songs that intersperse your life. Show us the places where discord unites. Let us hear the chords in each image and every line.” As always, our wonderful contributors have brought that vision to life.’

Eat The Storms Poetry Podcast guest

The wonderful Damien B. Donnelly has invited me onto his Eat The Storms Poetry Podcast (named after his poetry collection) to read a couple of my recent poems. The recording is complete and I’m just waiting to hear the broadcast date. Very excited!

The Poetry Podcast can be accessed through Spotify and most streaming platforms and via the twitter page. This is the 3rd season and all back episodes are available, they really are worth a listen, he has had some great guests and of course, you can hear his own poems too.

Dylan Thomas Day- publication day!

May 14th, International Dylan Thomas Day, saw the publication of the long-awaited ‘Dear Dylan: letter to, and poems after, Dylan Thomas’ by Indigo Dreams Press, edited by the talented Anna Saunders. A fascinating collection of poems, and insights through the letters from the poets to Dylan, into the lasting impact the Welsh poet enjoys.  

I’m delighted that my poem ‘Weeping Willow’ and letter to Dylan about the dramatic landscape of The Boathouse in Laugharne, which I had the pleasure to revisit with my parents, is included alongside fantastic poets. The book really is a treat.  Available now.  

Nightingale & Sparrow – Blizzard issue

Issue IX ‘Blizzard’ from Nightingale & Sparrow is now available online from the website, or in print from Amazon. EIC issue note:

‘As I write this introduction to blizzard, I’m sipping a mug of hot, black coffee and gazing out the window at another interpretation of our theme. “The February 2021 nor’easter” already has its own Wikipedia page! The nearby woodland (hearkening back to our November 2020 issue!), having long since lost its leaves, is coated in a thick layer of white and ice. Watching the breeze blow snowdust through the air, I can’t help but think of the photos and written work that make up this Nightingale & Sparrow blizzard. 
With blizzard, we aimed to showcase the unique facets of every snowflake and the dichotomies present in every storm. As we make our way through the early proofs of the issue, I believe we’ve done just that.’

Words for the Wild poem publication

Words for the Wild latest theme was the extraordinary Gilbert White. My poem  ‘We understand, Gilbert White and I, while in Selborne architecting’ now features on their website here. This is such a special poem to me as 20 years ago or so I used to work in Hampshire, very close to Selborne (Gilbert White’s village) and spent most of some very happy years exploring the manmade and natural environment there. I was privileged to work for the delightful Richard Ashby at his architectural practice, just outside the village. This poem was written for Richard, as a memory of the reverence he instilled in history, careful study and his love of the Hampshire Hangers.     

Pushcart Nomination

Absolutely delighted with a New Year’s Eve gift, of nomination for a Pushcart Prize, by the industrious Matthew Smith of Black Bough Poetry. A very lovely surprise indeed. 

Black Bough Poetry have produced some exquisite publications this year including 2 ‘Deep Time’ anthologies inspired by Robert Macfarlane’s Underland writings and a delicious ‘Winter Edition’ of micropoems. All volumes have included beautiful artwork by Welsh artists, Deep Time is also accompanied by original musical compositions.  All available on Soundcloud, and purchable via Amazon and Black Bough website. Matthew really has been a tour-de-force for Welsh, and global, creativity this year. I am very grateful to be within his sphere. 

Maytree Poets zoom launch reading

On Friday 11th December, Sarah Barr will be launching her new collection ‘January’ via zoom. Sarah will be reading alongside other Maytree Press poets including myself, for a festive night of celebration. I will be reading ‘A reflection on the dreaming collective’ from Maytree’s ‘Green Fields’ anthology. Details here

ARCADE POET COMPETITON – winner announced

And it’s me!

Back in March Cardiff City of Arcades launched a poetry competition, with the brief ‘a celebration of Cardiff’. The winning poem is displayed in one of the 7 historic Cardiff shopping arcades, alongside 6 commissioned Welsh poets. My poem is now up, in Morgan Arcade, and I’m so delighted it is alongside the lovely Mab Jones’ poem ‘Summer city’. Having grown up, and now living back in Cardiff it is a very special competition to win.  Happy days.

poem in Black Bough Poetry, Christmas and Winter edition

Delighted to have my witchy poem ‘Field margins’ included in the absolutely gorgeous ‘Christmas and Winter edition’ from Black Bough Poetry and to be sharing a page with the editor Matthew Smith. The poems are accompanied by fabulous linocut artwork by Emma Bissonnet. This special edition can be ordered here.

I had to order myself an original print of this wassailing plate. Merry Christmas to me !

Nightingale & Sparrow – Woodland Issue

Nightingale and Sparrow’s Issue VIII – Woodland is now ready to order for doorstep delivery or to read online. Extract from Juliette’s introduction: 

‘You’ll travel through the woods of the world with each page, and even enter other literary worlds – beyond a certain wardrobe door – through the pieces included in our eighth issue.’

Pandemic Poetry Anthology – print run and online launch

And we are at the printers! Charlie Markwick of Yarn Whispering has done a fantastic job of formatting and layout, and alongside artwork, chosen by Ziggy, by Glen Vaudrey and Steve Samsara, and a cover by Jason Conway, we are good to go. 

It has been an enjoyable six months or so, working remotely alongside Ziggy and Charlie:  discussing submissions, editing, section arrangements, proofs, and corresponding with the contributors.   

Copies are available to order from the Gloucester Poetry Festival website, raising funds for NHS charities and frontline workers PPE.

The online launch of The Pandemic Poetry Anthology will be on Tuesday 10th November at 7.30pm GMT. We are really excited about this celebratory evening, with lots of poets reading from the anthology. Free tickets can be ordered here, the event is also on Facebook

new Soundcloud page

I have now set up my Soundcloud page which can be accessed here. There are 3 poems up at the moment, including ‘Precious’ (featured in Black Bough Poetry’s ‘Deep Time’ anthology), ‘Arcade Hopping’ (featured in Wales Arts Review Digithon Festival), and ‘Map of Llandarcy 2008’ (featured in Wild Pressed Book ‘New Towns, an anthology’). Happy listening!

poem published Black Bough Poetry, Deep Time: Volume 2

Matthew Smith of Black Bough Poetry has curated 2 volumes of wonderful poems inspired by Robert Macfarlanes’s ‘Underland: A Deep Time Journey’. 

Delighted to see my deep time poem ‘Precious’ in volume 2, under the section ‘Liquid walls’. Both volumes, which include fabulous artwork by Rebecca Wainwright, are available from Amazon, details can be found here.

Co-Editor – Pandemic Poetry Anthology

It has been a busy couple of months with the deadline for submissions closing at the end of June for the Pandemic Poetry Anthology.  We had a fantastic response, with over 500 poems submitted for consideration from the UK, USA and elsewhere. It has been quite a task to administer and monitor, but very fulfilling, thank goodness for the joys of airtable!

It has been a privilege to read and comment on all of the poems, alongside Ziggy, and we have now made the final selection, and all poets have been notified. The submission standards were so high, and so heartfelt, it was a shame we could not accept everyone.

Publication due October 2020.  

Black Bough Poetry #toptweettuesday host

The ever industrious Matt Smith, originator of the micro poem publisher Black Bough Poetry organises the very successful ‘Top Tweet Tuesday’ and I’m delighted to have be asked to host on 28th July.

The twitter poetry community are invited to tweet a poem: WIP, drafts, published, not yet published with the hashtag #toptweettuesday and @blackboughpoems for commenting and sharing and generally sending lots of poems out into the world!

I’m excited to see the poems, from across the globe, and facilitate the day.

Update: what a day ! 61 poets shared their work across twitter, in a glorious Tuesday that lasted 43 hours ! It was an honour to read and comment on such a global variety of work, themes and mediums. 


Penned on the Bont virtual poetry night reading

The lovely Rhian Edwards (who has a new poetry collection ‘The Estate Agent’s Daughter’ out now from Seren Books) will be hosting a virtual version of the ‘Penned on the Bont’ poetry night, that she usually runs at Carnegnie House in Bridgend, on Friday 15th May 7.30pm on the Carnegnie House facebook page.  I’m pleased to be reading a poem ‘Fisherfolk,’ alongside 6 other poetry folk. Link here: Penned on the Bont virtual poetry night

‘New Towns An Anthology’, Wild Pressed books

Wild Pressed Books recently had a call out for poems for a New Towns anthology – which explores the in between spaces that these peripheral places now inhabit. I was delighted that there are officially a couple of ‘new towns’ in South Wales that I know quite well and really enjoyed investigating them further in the process of creating the poems.

‘Map of Llandarcy / Coed Darcy 2008’ has been accepted for publication, it explores the deindustrialisation of landscapes for housing, and the scars that are left.

Publication is due September, pre order now here

Black Bough Poetry ‘Deep Time’ anthology acceptance

My poem ‘Precious’ has been accepted for publication in Black Bough Poetry‘s first anthology – ‘Deep Time’, which is inspired by Robert Macfarlane’s thought provoking ‘Underland: A Deep Time Journey’ book. I’m so pleased to have a poem in this collection, amongst so fantastic poets.  There will be two volumes, with a guest artist and composer. The first volume is due July and Volume 2 which my poem is in, available from August. Amazon link here for Volume 1.

Wales Arts Review Digithon

Wales Arts Review Digithon Festival was a 3 day digital arts festival in late March, to raise emergency funds for artists and freelancers who have had their income impacted by Covid-19. The festival included literature, cinema, dance, gigs and art all experienced from the comfort of home.

I was delighted to be asked by the lovely Mab Jones, to record my poem ‘Arcade Hopping’, that I submitted for the Poetry in the Arcades competition (winner yet to be announced), to be broadcast as part of the event. Poetry in the Arcades is a project to produce new poetry works that celebrate the city of Cardiff which are now being displayed publicly in Cardiff’s iconic Victorian arcades, including Castle Arcade, High Street Arcade, Duke Street Arcade, Royal Arcade, Morgan Arcade and Dominions Arcade.

Readers were a selection of Arcade Poets plus a few Poetry in the Arcades competition entrants.  In order, they were:  Emily Cotterill (funder of Poetry in the Arcades, honorary Arcade Poet!), Angela Graham (competition entrant), Thomas Tyrrell (competition entrant) , Marcelle Newbold (competition entrant), Mab Jones (Arcade Poet) who helped coordinate Poetry in the Arcades , Siân Melangell Dafydd (Arcade Poet), Sarah McCreadie (competition entrant).

The recording can be seen and listened to here:

poem collaboration

Magma had a call out for collaborative poems, and I was delighted when Kate Dowling of the serene Failure Baler literary zine agreed to be my partner. We had not worked together before, but know each other from Twitter, and Kate kindly published me in her heart-warming magazine. Neither of us had collaborated previously on a poem so deciding on a process to collaborate and communicate was fun. We were both very pleased with the result. The title of the piece is ‘’Kate and Marcelle planting sunny window cills, 150 miles apart’. Hopefully our little seed will blossom…

Poetry mentor – Christina Thatcher

I’m excited to say the delightful Christina Thatcher has agreed to be my poetry mentor. I was keen to reach out to Christina – I have heard her read many times in Cardiff (the 1st time was in Penarth in September 2018) including at her collection launches, Roath Writers, and Cardiff Poetry Festival amongst others. I have always been completely engrossed in her delivery, subject matter and succinct style. Bit more about Christina, taken from her website, below:

‘Christina Thatcher is a Creative Writing Lecturer at Cardiff Metropolitan University. She keeps busy off campus as Poetry Editor for The Cardiff Review, a tutor for The Poetry School, a member of the Literature Wales Management Board and as a freelance workshop facilitator across the UK.’

This month I sent her my first batch of poems for critique and discussion over a zoom cuppa. We will be working together regularly throughout the year.

poem publication Failure baler, issue 2

The generous Kate Dowling has kindly included my poem ‘Life is a mantelpiece’ about my low level gripe, of the constant task to keep just one surface in my house just for me (yes a 4 inch by 30 inch plank of wood) in the second issue of the Failure Baler. Beautiful sunny photo of the glorious cover below, on my writing desk. The premise of the magazine is really heart-warming ‘If you know what it’s like to fail, then come and join the bale.  This zine is open to submissions of writing and artwork about your failures, whatever they may be’.   I really enjoyed this issue, as well as the inaugural one. Available to purchase here.

Black Bough Poetry #deeptimeday

Black Bough Poetry are hosting a ‘Deep Time Day’ on twitter, and across facebook and instagram, to celebrate the publication of their Deep Time poetry anthologies, volumes 1 and 2. All the poems, musical compositions and artwork, by Rebecca Wainwright,  were inspired by Robert Macfarlanes’ ‘Underland: A Deep Time Journey’. Contributors will be sharing their readings, photographs and poems. Poems can also be heard on Soundcloud.  Here’s mine, with Rebecca’s artwork:

Poetry Editor, Nightingale & Sparrow

I’m delighted that I have recently started working with Nightingale & Sparrow, an online magazine and print publisher, as a Poetry Editor and now appear on their masthead. The multi-talented Juliette Sebock has been incredibly welcoming, and I have already had the opportunity to review some very fine pieces with the global team.   

I have also managed to significantly upgrade my remote working skills, due to this new position, including Airtable, Slack and Trello!

A bit from the ‘about us’ section:

‘Founded in 2019 by Juliette Sebock, Nightingale & Sparrow is a literary magazine and small press featuring poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, and photography.

Nightingale and Sparrow aims to soar through written and visual arts. We want to publish work that takes the earthly and makes it ethereal. Send us your deepest thoughts, most poignant memories, and flights of fancy.’

Nightingale & Sparrow – Schoolhouse Issue

Nightingale and Sparrow’s Issue VII – Schoolhouse is now ready to order for doorstep delivery or to read online. Gorgeous cover to this cathartic issue. Extract from Juliette’s introduction: 

‘This is our shortest issue yet, and yet it’s one of our saddest. Schoolhouse surprised us with the heaviness of its subjects. The circumstances and emotions that come through in these pieces are all too real. From COVID-19 and its effects on education to the horrors of school shootings and other violence, our contributors took the idea of schoolhouse to a far deeper level than we could have imagined when we set the theme over a year ago.’

Green Fields anthology, Maytree Press

I’m delighted that Maytree Press and The Poetry Village have chosen my poem ‘A reflection on the dreaming collective’ to be part of their ‘Green Fields’ anthology – all about music festivals. My poem came from our last visit to Lakefest in the grounds of Eastnor Castle, and was imagined in a slightly sleep deprived state. Groovy cover art below! The anthology is to be launched at Huddersfield Literature Festival on 28th March 2020, details here.  It is also available for pre order now.

#This Assembly

The astonishingly creative K Weber has produced a wonderful poetry pamphlet of 21 poems using donated words, her explanation of the project is below:

‘THIS ASSEMBLY is a collaborative poetry project. I wrote 21 poems using 160 words donated by 160 people. Additionally, there are bonus poems featuring other poets’ writing, unique additions to poems, poets reading their work in the audio, and more! Project was reviewed by a team of readers. Cover and interior art by Greg Lawhun incorporated color palette that won a poll open to the public. In total, 165 people participated in my latest effort!’

I had the pleasure of looking over a few of K’s poems and making a couple of suggestions. 

Read the beautiful pdf here. It is also available on soundcloud

Anti-Heroin Chic magazine

Anti-Heroin Chic magazine

The lovely James Diaz has included two of my poems ‘Hot Chocolate’ and ‘The Day After’ in his very emotional ‘Grief & Loss’ issue of Anti-Heroin Chic magazine, which can be read here. It has been a brave endeavour on his part and the contributors. It is comforting to think that so many loved ones, now gone, are united here. Very proud to be a part of it.

Dylan Thomas Anthology, Indigo Dreams acceptance

Absolutely delighted that my poem ‘Weeping Willow’ has been accepted to appear in Indigo Dreams, ‘Dear Dylan, an anthology after Dylan’, due for publication in May 2020. It is going to be a very interesting format as a letter to Dylan Thomas and a poem was required from each submittee.

The weather was absolutely glorious on my inspirational visit to Laugharne in September, and the views – Wales at its best.

Animal Heart Press, International Anthology of Womxn’s Poetry

The cover has been released for the ‘International Anthology of Womxn’s Poetry’ titled ‘From the Ashes’ and it is gorgeous. I am so pleased to have two poems included: one within the Chapter ‘On knowing’, and one within ‘On how we love’.  ‘Editors Amanda McLeod and Mela Blust have curated a collection of poems that tell the stories of the journey, trials, and triumphs of womxn. In this book, womxn share their most authentic, inner selves; their challenges and their victories; the words they wish they could say; the legacy they dream of for the womxn of the future. With over 50 poets, some internationally acclaimed and others making their publication debut, this stunning anthology captures the voices of womxn around the world.’

All proceeds from the sale of the anthology will be donated to international womxn’s charities. Available for order from Animal Heart Press.

Black Rabbit Press

Spent a lovely afternoon helping out with the new Black Rabbit Press compiling their first pamphlet, Things Only Borderlines Know by the vastly talented Olivia Tuck. Beautiful on the outside and inside.

writing retreat weekend

St David’s, West Wales

Renee Stanton and Claire Syder ran a wonderful weekend retreat in a blustery St David’s at The Court House. Food, wine, new and old friends and of course some poetry.

Cardiff Poetry Festival

The second year of this event was held at Cornerstone, a church now converted into a community space / cafe / arts venue. The quite amazing Kim MooreEmily Blewitt and Katherine Stansfield read on the Friday evening. Katherine’s tribute to a poetry friend and colleague from her new pamphlet All that is wood bought a few tears to my eyes.

On the Sunday I was more than pleased to meet Bryony Littlefair whose collection Giraffe I really connected. She read as well as other Mslexia women over lunch.

Looking forward to next year all ready.

Mary Oliver memorial

The lovely Mab Jones arranged a Mary Oliver memorial event at Cardiff Wetlands on a blustery Saturday afternoon. Mab is the Poet in Residence at Cardiff Wetlands.  Many bought their favourite Mary Oliver poems to read aloud and Mab said a few words.

Company of Words poetry evening

I read at the Open Mic night, at the Little Man Coffee Shop in Cardiff. About 60 people attended the event with a jazz group and Clare Potter as guest poet. She was mesmerising with her mix of New Orleans jazz singing, Welsh accent and musical poetry.  I read three poems, in the open mic section,  from late 2018: The mantlepiece; Care instructions; An unremarkable wish. Clare was kind enough to say how much she enjoyed them.

a handful of anthologies!

Delighted to finally hold The Dipping Pool collection of poetry and prose. Nine authors contributed a section each, with mine being the first which comprised of a prose piece and ten poems including: Reunited, Gone, Great Granny, The salt breeze.

anthology publication

‘The dipping pool’ weekly writing group, with Claire Syder, are in the process of publishing their first anthology. There are nine authors in total, and I am very pleased to say my collection of nine poems and one prose piece has been chosen to appear first in the book. First run off the press July 2018, ready for the book launch August 2018.

new writing group

I’ve started attending the incredibly generous Claire Syder‘s weekly writing group. What a cathartic and wonderful experience! I’ll be posting some words shortly.

Design Commission for Wales essay

essay publication online and print

Landmarks is the Design Commission for Wales’ autumn 2015 conference, events and exhibition which explore the relationship between the natural resources of the Welsh landscape and human intervention, with the aim of informing and inspiring a future for design in the rural landscape. This publication serves as a lasting reference to the themes and thoughts which have been uncovered through Landmarks.  My essay ‘How we made our way‘ starts on p104.

Design Circle (RSAW) article

online article

As part of the ‘My kind of…’ series, published on the Design Circle (Royal Society of Architects in Wales branch) website.

‘My kind of home is within a community, built for sharing and collective enjoyment; with immediate neighbours to talk to, safe roads for play, allotments to grow produce and room enough for dinner with extended family and friends.

My kind of home is a home of conscience; economic, using little energy, treading softly, lightly and healthily. It is a home of resource; providing energy to the grid, vegetables for dinner and flowers for the table.

My kind of home provides shelter; security of familiarity, privacy for reflection, a nook for a favourite book, protection from extremes of weather and environs for nature to use.

My kind of home enables involvement; the overheard sound of a lawnmower, a friendly hello of passing dog walker, a spontaneous football match, a quiet place to watch the world go by.

My kind of home affords space for breathing; just sitting and enjoying, a distant view to drink in, an opportunity to linger a while on a bench in the street, a tree to climb and green space to explore.

And my kind of home is a home for life; adaptable and evolving overtime to meet life’s changing needs.’